Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello, and we meet again in this blog after long time not see
And, happy 'Idul Fitri for Moslems entire this world
In this post I will teach you how to play hacked rom
Actually, hacked rom (in my own definition) is a ROM files that hacked by someone using some applications
This hacked rom can't be played on the consoles such as NES, SNES or another consoles
The hacked rom only can be played in an emulator
Usually, the first form of a hacked rom is an .ips format files. Of course many emulators can't open this file format. They must be changed to it's format, such as .nes file for NES emulator
To change it, you need an application that called Lunar IPS. And this application is a freeware so you doesn't need to buy or upgrade this apps anyway.
Okay, let's get to steps
1. Download Lunar IPS first
2. Download an .ips file format, example Rockman 4 Minus Infinity.ips
3. After that, open Lunar IPS
4. You can see 3 buttons there. Choose "Apply IPS Patch"
5. Then, choose the .ips file
6. After choose the .ips file, it's time to select the original version of the game. The original of this hacked game is Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou!!!
7. If the proccess is succesfully completed, there should be a text, written "The file was successfully patched!"
8. Now, open your emulator. This hacked game is using NES emulator. I used Jnes
9. Then, search the hacked game. (I mean the patched NES file)
10. Now, you can play the hacked game.
About the hacker, there are many hacker of rom files in this world, but, in my head, I only know 2 great rom hacker, PureSabe and IKA
Okay, that's all from me
And, I've make my YouTube channel. The name is "rockmanmania16"
If you have YouTube channel, please subscribe me and watch all of my videos
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.